NERO AAAA Wallet Usage

AA Wallet Usage


AA Wallet is an easy and secure wallet integration solution for Web3 applications. By combining social login and Account Abstraction, it enables the development of more user-friendly decentralized applications (dApps).


npm install nero-wallet
# or
yarn add nero-wallet

Basic Setup

// main.tsx
import { SocialWallet } from "nero-wallet";
import "nero-wallet/index.css";
import config from "../nerowallet.config"; //project root directory
import "@rainbow-me/rainbowkit/styles.css";
function App() {
  return (
    <SocialWallet config={config}>
      <YourApp />

Core Features

1. Wallet Connection

import { useSignature } from "nero-wallet";
function YourComponent() {
  const { AAaddress, isConnected } = useSignature();
  return (
      {isConnected ? (
        <p>Connected: {AAaddress}</p>
      ) : (
        <p>Please connect your wallet</p>

2. Transaction Execution

import { useSendUserOp } from "nero-wallet";
function TransactionComponent() {
  const { execute, waitForUserOpResult } = useSendUserOp();
  const handleTransaction = async () => {
    try {
      await execute({
        function: "yourFunction",
        contractAddress: "CONTRACT_ADDRESS",
        abi: CONTRACT_ABI,
        value: "0x0", // No Token transfer by default
        params: [param1, param2],
      const result = await waitForUserOpResult();
      console.log("Transaction successful:", result);
    } catch (error) {
      console.error("Transaction failed:", error);

3. Batch Transactions

import { useSignature } from "nero-wallet";
function BatchComponent() {
  const { executeBatch, waitForUserOpResult } = useSignature();
  const handleBatchTransaction = async () => {
    const operations = [
        function: "function1",
        contractAddress: "ADDRESS1",
        abi: ABI1,
        value: "0x0", // No Token transfer by default
        params: [param1],
        function: "function2",
        contractAddress: "ADDRESS2",
        abi: ABI2,
        value: "0x0", // No Token transfer by default
        params: [param2],
    try {
      await executeBatch(operations);
      const result = await waitForUserOpResult();
    } catch (error) {
      console.error("Batch transaction failed:", error);

AA Wallet Configuration


NERO Wallet can be customized through configuration files. By creating a nerowallet.config.ts file in the project root, you can reflect your own environment settings.

Basic Configuration

// nerowallet.config.ts
import YourLogoIcon from "./path/to/your/logo.svg";
const config = {
  // Wallet Basic Settings
  rainbowKitProjectId: "YOUR_PROJECT_ID",
  walletName: "YOUR_WALLET_NAME",
  walletLogo: YourLogoIcon,
  iconBackground: "#ffffff",
  // External Links
  contactAs: "YOUR_CONTACT_URL",
  ServiceTerms: "YOUR_TERMS_URL",

Chain Configuration

chains: [
    chain: {
      name: "YOUR_NETWORK_NAME",
      logo: YourChainLogo,
      networkType: "testnet", // or 'mainnet'
      rpc: process.env.RPC_URL,
      chainId: Number(process.env.CHAIN_ID),
      explorer: process.env.EXPLORER_URL,
      explorerAPI: process.env.EXPLORER_API,
      nativeToken: {
        decimals: 18,
        name: "TOKEN",
        symbol: "TOKEN_SYMBOL",
    // Account Abstraction settings
    aa: {
      bundler: process.env.BUNDLER_URL,
      paymaster: process.env.PAYMASTER_URL,
      paymasterAPIKey: process.env.PAYMASTER_API,
    // Contract Addresses
    aaContracts: {
      entryPoint: "YOUR_ENTRY_POINT_ADDRESS",
      accountFactory: "YOUR_FACTORY_ADDRESS",
      tokenPaymaster: "YOUR_PAYMASTER_ADDRESS",
    chain: {
      //setting mainnet config

Web3Auth Configuration

web3auth: {
  clientId: process.env.WEB3AUTH_ID,
  network: 'testnet', // or 'mainnet'
  uiConfig: {
    appName: 'YOUR_APP_NAME',
    mode: 'light', // or 'dark'
    useLogoLoader: true,
    defaultLanguage: 'en',
    theme: {
      primary: '#YOUR_COLOR',
    loginMethodsOrder: ['google', 'facebook', 'discord'],
    uxMode: 'redirect',
    modalZIndex: '2147483647',
  loginConfig: {
    google: {
      name: 'google',
      verifier: 'YOUR_VERIFIER',
      typeOfLogin: 'google',
      clientId: process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID,
    facebook: {
      name: 'facebook',
      verifier: 'YOUR_VERIFIER',
      typeOfLogin: 'facebook',
      clientId: process.env.FACEBOOK_CLIENT_ID,

Environment Variables

# Network

# Account Abstraction

# Authentication

Using the Configuration

import { useConfig } from "nero-wallet";
function YourComponent() {
  const config = useConfig();
  return (
      <p>Chain: {config.chainName}</p>
      <p>Network Type: {config.networkType}</p>

Important Notes

  1. Required Settings
  • Chain ID
  • Web3Auth Configuration (when using social login)
  • Bundler/Paymaster Configuration
  1. Security
  • Always manage API Keys and Client IDs as environment variables
  • Use appropriate network settings in production environment
  1. Customization
  • UI Theme
  • Login Methods
  • Network Settings
  • These configurations allow you to customize NERO Wallet to meet the requirements of each project.
  1. If there is an error in neroconfig.ts, refer to tsconfig.json
 "include": ["*.config.ts"]